Biofeedback or biofeedback

Biofeedback is an application of psychophysiology, a discipline that studies the links between brain activity and physiological functions. In other words, it is the science of « mind-body interaction ».
One of the most important discoveries of quantum physics, taken up and developed in quantum therapy, is, in fact, the theory of « energy fields »: these are the ones that organize and control our body. They form a whole. In short, the human body is an organized structure of information. The Chinese have long understood this with acupuncture, which treats the body’s energy flows; or the Indians, with their ayurvedic medicine, which treats the « body lightness » and its chakras…
A century ago, Albert Einstein demonstrated in his work on the nature of light that everything is in the form of vibration.

Quantum physics – which describes the behaviour of atoms and subatomic particles – developed on the fringes of classical physics, because it does not follow the same rules. The most important one, to understand the basis of quantum medicine: electromagnetic waves are at the same time photons.
Quantum biofeedback devices are designed to detect electromagnetic waves, the « frequencies » emitted by every cell in our body. When some of them are scrambled or « wrong », the device returns « right » frequencies to correct the problem.
Imagine if you were depressed. You call your best friend. His reassuring words cheer you up and you regain enough energy to get on with your life. The help you receive isn’t « physical », but comes in the form of comforting words. This information was transmitted to you through the phone’s frequencies. This is how quantum medicine devices work: they send extremely fine waves that « talk » to our cells and transmit information to them, which is carried by photons.
To use the metaphor, you could say that frequencies are your friend’s comforting phrases; and photons, words, with their meaning.

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Monday-Friday 9am-3pm.